Jessica Brown
Oct 16, 2016

A new brainteaser doing the rounds online has had heads scratching as people try to solve it. The task: to count as many animals as can find in this picture:
The picture, which was shared on Facebook page s--tHappens, has caused disagreement online about how many animals it includes. You might have found the elephant, donkey, dog and cat without much of a problem, but there are another 12 animals hiding in there, according to some brainteaser-whizzes.
Also featuring in the drawing are a beaver, tortoise, mosquito, snake, sword fish, mouse, prawn, hen, crocodile, dolphin, bird, fish, and beaver – says one user, who uploaded this image:
Commenters responding to the image on the Daily Mail seem to have also found mosquitos, an otter and ants. Will we ever get to the bottom of this?
More: Can you solve this fiendishly difficult brainteaser involving jelly beans?
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