
What Leave voters really think

What Leave voters really think

What does multiculturalism have in common with feminism and the green movement?

They're all things that Britons who voted to Leave the UK think are a force for ill in society, according to polling from Lord Aschroft.

The former deputy chair of the Conservative party surveyed 12,369 people just after they had cast their vote in the referendum to find out more about their motivations. Also on the list of what the majority of Leave voters considered forces for ill were social liberalism, capitalism, the internet, immigration and globalisation as the chart below shows.

If that wasn't enough, the rest of the polling makes it clear just how divided our country is: renters voted to Remain while house owners voted to Leave, those with a university degree voted to Remain, and a "large majority" of those who left school at 18 or younger voted to Leave.

A majority of Leave voters also said they paid no attention to politics in general.

More: Presenting the best headline of the entire Brexit fiasco

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