Science & Tech

This is what those weird shapes are that you can see floating in your vision

This is what those weird shapes are that you can see floating in your vision
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Do you ever see some weird floaty shapes in your vision and wonder what they are?

Apparently, we're not alone as 76 per cent of all non-visually impaired people can see "floaters" in our eyes, according to the National Library of Medicine.

The scientific name for the floaters in Latin is Muscae volitantes, which means "flying flies" (though it must be noted, there are not any actual flies in the eyes in this case).

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Often these worm-like structures (that can also appear like cobwebs, spots, or threads) can be seen moving across our field of vision appear when looking at a bright or plain background like a clear blue sky, or a white wall.

From blood or other cells to bits of protein or tissue, the shapes in our eyes could be down to a number of different things floating about in vitreous humour.

This layer is a clear jelly-like substance located between the lens and the retina and helps to maintain the eye’s round shape.

When the light hits the back of our eye (the retina) it cast shadows, and as a result, that’s how we see the floaters in our vision.

Most researchers and practitioners consider the condition to be benign, according to the BBC.

So next time you're looking at a clear sky and see a floater in your eye, you'll know the cause of it.

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