
People are saying Kit Harington looks uncannily like a young George RR Martin

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It can often feel like everyone on the planet is obsessed with the HBO drama Game of Thrones.

But while all the dragons, sex and murder has been happening on-screen, eagle-eyed fans have managed to spot something about Kit Harington that has gone unnoticed until now.

No, not this photo shoot of him and Emilia Clarke, or the fact that his cape is made from an IKEA rug.

It's actually that he bears a striking resemblance to the author of the books George R.R. Martin.

At least when he was young.

This was pointed out by Ryan Broderick of Buzzfeed and everyone has since lost their minds.

Some people are wondering what happened to George, which is a little rude if you ask me.

Further research has revealed yet more evidence.

It appears that Kit also resembles a star from another drawn out but otherwise addictive TV series.

If you thought the original image would be hard to get out of you head, wait till you see this one.

We're not quite sure what to think anymore.

HT Lad Bible Twitter

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