
Two phrases that are making you less successful, according to this Stanford professor

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An Ivy League professor claims that two small errors are negatively effecting the way others perceive you, and stopping you from being achieving success.

Changing them, according to Professor Bernard Roth of Stanford University, can help you achieve more.

Roth who is professor of mechanical engineering, wrote about how the way you think shapes your success.

In his 2015 book, The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life, Roth sets out the idea of 'design thinking'. In essence, 'design thinking' is a way of problem solving.

Originally applied when trying to create a new product or solve a social problem, Roth advocate applying 'design thinking' to your own life, with a view to reinventing yourself.

According to Roth, part of 'design thinking' in your life, is about swapping two phrases or choices of words, for ones that will help you to solve your problems.

'I have to' vs 'I want to'

Roth suggests using the phrase 'want to' rather than 'have to', but for thinking and speaking about your to do list.

By saying you 'have' to do something, you can make it seem like a chore, that has been thrust upon you.

According to Roth, by saying 'want' instead of 'have', people can better understand that even the things they do not enjoy doing are a result of the choices they have made.

'But' vs 'And'

Similarly, when thinking about tasks, using the word 'but' throws up a problem, whereas 'and' acknowledges there is a problem and looks for a solution.

Roth gives the everyday example of wanting to visit the gym after work, but you have to prepare for work in the morning.

'But' makes this feel like an either, or choice, whereas 'and' makes you search for a solution.

HT Metro

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