
Grand Theft Auto 6 leaked trailer confirms release date

Grand Theft Auto 6 leaked trailer confirms release date
GTA 6 could have a female protagonist according to reports
GTA 6 could have a female protagonist according to reports

An apparent leak of the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer has occurred the day before its planned worldwide reveal.

The highly-anticipated trailer was just under 24 hours away from an official release, but unofficial leakers are already sharing the teaser trailer on X.

A number of rumoured details are confirmed, including the return to Vice City as well as the appearance of an apparent female protagonist - Lucia.

The leaked version of the trailer - emblazoned with 'Buy BTC', a cryptocurrency hijack of the leak and nothing at all to do with Rockstar Games - shows shots of an in-game Florida, including Vice City cityscapes and a representation of the Everglades, complete with flamingos.

The trailer also heavily relies on in-game footage of IRL live streams, social media and bodycam footage, hinting at the large role they may have to play in the upcoming game.

Finally, there is a big hint that the game will feature two playable characters, with Lucia being joined by a male protagonist, rumoured to be called Jason. The pair feature in the trailer as a bank-robbing couple, realising the leaked 'Bonnie & Clyde-like' relationship that has long been rumored to be a key feature of the game.

The account sharing the trailer has already been suspended

A release date of 2025 was also revealed in the teaser, which lined up with fan expectations.

GTA VI will be massive, with the map rumoured to take in multiple states including in-game representations of Georgia, as well as the aforementioned Florida.

Fans will get their first official look at the trailer tomorrow, and you can follow all the updates here.

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