
Experts deliver health warning against doom scrolling on the toilet

Experts deliver health warning against doom scrolling on the toilet
Scrolling social media may impact teens' brain development

Experts are convinced that scrolling through your phone on the toilet could cause more damage than its worth.

According to a YouGov study, a staggering 57 per cent of people bathroom scroll. But now, Dr Karen Zaghiyan, a colorectal surgeon, has urged people to stop as they could result in health problems such as hemorrhoids.

"Hemorrhoids are a collection of veins inside and outside the anus. Everyone has haemorrhoids. We are born with them," Dr Zaghiyan told Healthline.

He continued: "The act of sitting and straining as you scroll can 'cause the haemorrhoids to engorge with blood, causing symptoms such as pain, swelling or bleeding."

"It’s not the actual act of using a smartphone that is the problem. Rather, sitting on the toilet [whether you are reading or just sitting there] for a prolonged period of time can definitely lead to haemorrhoid problems."

Not to mention the bacteria...

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Unfortunately, it's not just on the loo that can cause issues. It's also when we first wake up.

Doom scrolling in the bathroom can be bad for healthiStock

In the morning, our brains transition from one type of brainwave to another, neuroscientist Emily McDonald explained.

During this time, our brains are "really suggestible" and the things we think about have a greater impact on our mood for the rest of the day.

"It messes up our dopamine for the rest of the day so that we continue to check our phone," she said.

"Lots of people are reading stressful things — prompting you to be stressed. What you put into your mind is super crucial."

McDonald said that instead we should be waking up and saying positive affirmations. "I put sleep mode on," she added. "Try to not look at your phone for at least 20 to 30 minutes after waking up."

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