
Boris Johnson ruined everyone's lunch (and breakfast and dinner)

Boris Johnson ruined everyone's lunch (and breakfast and dinner)

It's almost the end of Boris Johnson's eight-year tenure as Mayor of London, or as Alistair Campbell put it, his time as "Mayor for Boris".

He's, umm, going out with a bang, if this farewell video/Zac Goldsmith plug is anything to go by.

In a gushing message, the mayor ejaculates his praises for the staff at City Hall and their work under him.

And while Johnson's declaration he's about to "shuffle off into the sunset" isn't quite accurate, to be honest, all anyone can focus on is the horrible, horrible image of:

Operation Juddering Climax is coming to its final shuddering surge.

No really, Boris. What did we do to deserve that?

Good luck un-seeing this. We're still trying.

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