
Edward Snowden 'expert' goes on TV to defend Edward Scissorhands instead in utterly bizarre and brilliant clip

This week, Edward Snowden joined Twitter, causing a little bit of a Twitterstorm.

As online and TV news attempted to cover the story, The Daily Share, a news programme on the US channel HLN, questioned why his account is permitted to remain online.

To discuss the story, they invited Twitter satirist Jon Hendren, otherwise known as @fart.

This was proven to be an odd choice when he proceeded to talk about Edward Scissorhands.

Host Yasmin Vossoughian compared Snowden’s account to an Isis account, before playing a clip from Snowden’s interview with John Oliver, in which Snowden was asked if he took responsibility for releasing information which potentially endangered US citizens.

She then asked Hendren what he thought about the release of information:

Well, you know, to say that he couldn't harm somebody with what he did — he could, absolutely, he could, but to cast him out, to make him invalid in society simply because he has scissors for hands — I mean, that's strange. People didn't get scared until he started sculpting shrubs into dinosaur shapes and whatnot.

Despite this answer, host Vossoughian continued, asking Hendren why he would move to Russia, to which he replied:

Just because he was created on top of a mountain by Vincent Price, and incomplete, with scissors for hands and no heart... Edward Scissorhands is a complete hero to me.

Undeterred by the obvious crossed lines in communication, Vossoughian repeated the question on Russia, which garnered Hendren’s response:

We cast him out. We got scared when he poked a hole in a waterbed with his scissor fingers, and that was unreasonable of us.

Vossoughian then thanked Hendren for his opinion before closing the segment.

Hendren told Esquire that he was likely asked to come on the show because of an old tweet about Snowden:

I got an email last night asking if I wanted to come on and replied immediately saying, 'Yes I absolutely would,' before I even read the entire email.

To watch the full video, see below:


More:Edward Snowden has joined Twitter, and his first follow is perfect

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