Jessica Brown
Jun 14, 2017

Carl Court/Getty Images
London woke up to the news this morning of a devastating fire in a 27-storey tower block in Kensington.
You can read the latest developments here.
Residents of the block, and further afield in an exclusion zone, were evacuated in the early hours of the morning.
Here’s how you can help them.
1. People can donate clothing, toiletries and anything else to St Clements Church, W11 4EQ:
2. Donations are also being taken atClement Attlee Estate Hall, SW67TN:
3. And Central Gurduara, W11 4SG:
Those evacuated can also go here:
4. Not in London? - You can donate to the Greenfell block Latimer fire appeal here.
5. Or the West London Tower Victims Go Fund Me page here.
6.The Evening Standard are also collecting via their Dispossessed Fund - check it out here.
London has already started to help:
At least 30 people have now been taken to five hospitals across London.
The Met has set up an emergency number for anyone concerned about loved ones: 0800 0961 233
More: Grenfell Tower residents warned of potential ‘major disaster’ in 2016 blog post
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