Emma Snaith
Dec 21, 2018
PA/ Twitter
Flights from Gatwick airport were severely delayed on Thursday and Friday when drones caused a 36-hour shut-down of the airport – and lots of people were angry.
Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded Gatwick, many of whom would have been trying to get away for Christmas, while police tried to hunt down the drone operators.
But not many people expressed their frustration quite as well as Chanel 4 presenter Jon Snow.
Taking to Twitter, he wrote:
If London’s second Airport - Gatwick - can be defeated by a couple of drones... shutting the entire place down for 12 hours+ what does it say of the UKs much vaunted defences upon which we spend so many billions?
A couple of hours later he wrote:
Gatwick Airport has now been shut for 14 hours, what if the drones had carried an armament?....
Pity Britain! unable to intercept, disable, or combat these devices and yet we spend more on Defence than any nation in Europe!
Will Brexit sort it?
And the tweets kept coming throughout the day.
Lots of people agreed with the Channel 4 presenter.
Admittedly, some people disagreed with Snow and said the delays were necessary to ensure everyone's safety.
We don't whether Snow was waiting for a flight himself, but he definitely said what most of us were thinking.
More: Jon Snow admitted 'he knows nothing' after Corbyn's election result, and he's getting a lot respect
More: Boy performs Ronaldo celebration during BBC report on Gatwick
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