Lowenna Waters
Oct 28, 2018
A photograph of the First Lady of the United States has gone viral - but not for the reason you'd expect.
On Tuesday, Melania Trump invited 30 sixth grade students from Digital Pioneers Academy to join her and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos at the White House Family Theatre as part of her 'Be Best' campaign in National Bullying Prevention Month.
During their visit, she showed the film Wonder, a 2017 movie about a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome, which creates facial deformities, that has an anti-bullying message.
A spokesperson for the First Lady told The Hill:
The movie celebrates October’s National Bullying Prevention Month by highlighting the importance of choosing kindness — a core belief of Mrs. Trump’s Be Best campaign.
After the event, FLOTUS posted a selection of pictures of her with the school children, with the message:
Many eagle-eyed Twitter users were quick to notice a girl in the background of one of the pictures, who appeared to be less than impressed by meeting the First Lady.
New York Times columnist Charles Blow was also quick to point out the 'bored' and 'blase' girl in the background of the picture.
Taking to Instagram, he wrote:
This little girl with her arms folded is all of our spirit animals… lol.
More: This is what Melania has to say about her sex life with Trump
More: Pictures of Melania Trump in Brussels prompt fresh First Lady ‘body double’ rumours

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