Louis Staples
Jul 11, 2018
Brittany Ernsperger / Facebook
A 25 year-old mum from Indiana has gone viral for highlighting aspects of depression that are rarely talked about.
On 30 June, Brittany Ernsperger wrote a remarkably honest post about how her depression kept her from taking care of herself and completing basic household chores.
She wrote:
This is what depression looks like.
No. Not the clean dishes.
But that there were that many dishes in the first place; that I’ve gone 2 weeks without doing them.
3 days ago I sat on the kitchen floor and stared at them while I cried. I knew they needed to be done. I wanted to do them so bad.
But depression pulled me under. It sucked me in. Like a black hole. Rapidly, sinking quick-sand.
I walked by them morning and night and all day long. And just looked at them. Telling myself that I could do them. Telling myself that I would. And feeling defeated everyday that I didn’t. Making the depression only that much worse because not accomplishing something that needs to be done is failure.
Worthless. Failure. Piece of sh*t. Incompetent. Stupid. Lazy.
All things that roll through the mind of someone with depression. All. Day. Long.
Throw anxiety on top of it, and you’ve got yourself a real treat.
Being scared your husband will leave because he thinks you’re lazy. Being scared to let people into your home because they’ll think you’re nasty. Feeling like you’re failing your kids because for the 3rd night in a row you don’t have any clean dishes to cook dinner on.. so pizza it is. Again.
And the worst part of it all, it’s not just with the dishes. The laundry, cleaning, dressing yourself, taking a shower, dressing your kids, brushing your and their teeth, normal everyday tasks. It all becomes a nightmare. A very daunting task. Somedays it doesn’t get done at all.
But Ernsperger offered some supportive words to those who may be struggling with their mental health.
Depression is something that 'strong' people don’t talk about because they don’t want people to think they’re 'weak'.
You’re not weak. You’ve been strong for so long and through so many things, that your body needs a break.
I don’t even care if the only thing you did today, was put deodorant on. I’m proud of you for it. Good job. I’m in your corner. I’m on your side.
So far, Ernsperger's post has been shared more than 200,000 times.
HT: Someecards
More: This story about depression is the most important thing you’ll read today
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