
People who live on the South Pole run all 24 time zones every Christmas

People who live on the South Pole run all 24 time zones every Christmas

How do you like to celebrate on December 25? Maybe by putting away your body weight in roast potatoes, or cracking open the fizz by 10am?

Christmas Day isn’t all about indulging and relaxing for some people, though. In fact, some like to spend it exercising and taking in some of the most specular views anywhere on Earth.

People who live on the South Pole have found a unique way to spend time over the festive period by going for a run across the icy landscape.

And due to the unique location, people who take part in this very modern tradition are able to traverse all 24 time zones on Christmas Day.

Michelle Endo has spent a full year working on one of the three permanent stations on Antarctica.

She specifically works at the one closest to the geographical South Pole.

Speaking about the community of workers, Michelle said [via Unilad]: "On the morning of our station Christmas, we do a fun run called 'Race Around the World'.

"It's a 5k course that circles the Geographic South Pole so that participants get to run 'around the world' through all 24 time zones.

She added: "Some participants take it seriously, while others like to dress up in fun costumes or onesies to do it.

"It's the small things that make all the difference down there and really boost morale."

In terms of Christmas Day traditions, it's as unique as it gets.

At its busiest points in the year during the summer, Antarctica is home to around 5,000 people. Only around 1,000 people live there during the winter months.

While Antarctica might be the only continent on Earth with no natural human habitation, it’s emerged that an “Antarctica accent” is very much a thing.

Despite having no locals, thousands of scientists have made up an ever-changing population in research stations over the years.

The continent is so isolated and the level of interaction between researchers is so intense, that a common accent is beginning to emerge there despite people coming from different parts of the world.

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