Jessica Brown
Jan 12, 2017
Shutterstock / Matej Kastelic
Unless you work as a triangle measurer, live next to an ox-bow lake or enjoy putting condoms on bananas - it's likely there's a big deficit between what you learnt in school and what skills you need for real life.
Reddit is here to help though!
So here's a list of the things you actually need to know.
The practical
Learn the basics of being an all-purpose craftsman. You don't need to know a lot, but if you understand the basics of woodworking, metalworking, plumbing, and maybe a little electrical, you can save yourself tens of thousands of dollars in repair fees over the course of your life.
- Wigg1es
How to change a tire
- Vvsj
Basic cooking skills.
Once you've mastered the easy stuff, the intermediate stuff starts to be fun.
- Patientbearr
First aid. Even at a basic level it's always good to know things that could potentially save your life or someone else's.
- InfinityProdigy
Social skills
How to apologize. Not grovel, or non-apologize, or passive-aggressively make your apology their punishment, or dismiss the need for apologizing. A real apology doesn't follow "I'm sorry," with the word "but." It doesn't weasel in qualifiers like "if I hurt your/their/anyone's feelings." And it absolutely doesn't imply that the recipient is at fault for being injured by your fuck-uppery, ie, "I'm sorry if you got offended."
- Declare that you've committed an offence.
- Apologize for hurting/wronging them.
- Tell them you that you will not wrong them like that again. Mean it.
It's not hard, and it can clear the air in ways nothing else can. But it's so, so rarely done.
- The39Steps
Say please and thank you. 10/10 will improve your life.
- Mynameismatt128
Basic financial planning/time value of money. Save early, save often.
- chudsp87
If it sounds too good to be true, it often is. Do your research, especially with financial matters.
- Alipotatos
Learn a couple phrases in different languages
- Nofiltaa
The correct use of: There, their and they're.
- Sticky-bones
Stop blaming others for your problems, regardless of what people say; you are in control of your destiny. Accepting this premise is strongly correlated with success.
- Mike77321
You are responsible for your own happiness. Don't look to other people to create it for you. They are there as extras.
- DM-Hollens-117
And just common sense
Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.
- RomansSalamander
Don't piss uphill.
- Snugalufus
Newton's laws. If you hit something heavy, it's gonna hurt.
- Hoothootmotherf-cker
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