
7 of the most absurd things Trump said in his endless rambling acceptance speech last night

US President Donald Trump formally accepted his re-nomination for president on Thursday evening at the White House – with a full audience largely not wearing masks – which capped off with literal fireworks.

The theme of the night was “Land of Greatness” as Trump used his meandering 70-minute speech to criticise his opponent Joe Biden and warn of lawless and "radicalism" in America if the Democrats win the November election.

"This election will decide whether we save the American Dream, or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny," Trump said.

Here are some of the most absurd moments:

1. He seems unable to say the word “while”.

2. He is also incapable of pronouncing Qassem Soleimani’s name

Soleimani is an Iranian general whose killing was authorised by Trump in January this year. While most people would pronounce it phonetically, Trump went for a more creative: Qa-seemSol-i-meeny.

3. Trump seemed upset that he cannot just invade cities at his whim and needs the consent of local officials

4. “I have done more for the African American community since Abraham Lincoln"

This is not the first time Trump has said this, seemingly again forgetting that Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, or Lyndon Johnson, for example, who signed the Civil Rights Act into law.

Trump has, by all accounts, not done anything remotely similar.

5. Taking credit for a law passed by Obama

During his rambling speech, Trump said he passed “VA Choice” – a law created to expand the number of options veterans have for receiving healthcare.

It was actually passed by President Barack Obama in 2014.

6. Joking about Biden 'giving hugs and even kisses'

The president made a joke about Joe Biden being predatory, referring to numerous allegations that the Democratic candidate has been inappropriate towards women.

Aside from being a pretty unsavoury thing to make jokes about, it's pretty rich considering he himself has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women.

7. Claiming that he “will protect Medicare and Social Security”

In actuality, his 2020 budget proposed cutting more than $1 trillion from Medicare over a decade, and $26bn from Social Security programmes.

During his prolonged address, Trump “profoundly” – not “proudly” – accepted the Republican nomination at the end of his speech.

While the nomination is no surprise, this means we'll likely get to hear even more of this nonsense as the nominees gear up to debate.

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