
Some chart porn for Game of Thrones fans. You're welcome

Some chart porn for Game of Thrones fans. You're welcome

Well this is just excellent.

The geniuses at Joeltronics have plotted the Game of Thrones episodes against their corresponding chapters in George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.

With the books and TV show now starting to seriously diverge, this is useful a) for fans of the books who want to see what the HBO show has omitted, b) for fans of the show to see how it compares with the books and c) for fans of both who like pretty charts*.

You can enlarge the above chart by clicking here, or visit Joeltronics to see the whole thing, which you can customise based on how far you are into either medium.

*Please note there is no d) fans of neither the show nor the book.

HT Gizmodo

More: [Bad news for Game of Thrones fans (that's the show and the books)]4

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