
The Arabic text on these bags makes a hilarious but depressing point

The Arabic text on these bags makes a hilarious but depressing point

Journalist Nader Al-Sarras was on the Berlin U-bahn on Tuesday when he noticed someone carrying a rather interesting tote bag.

The Arabic read:

This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language.

The bag tickled him, and he put a picture of it on Facebook.

The post went viral very quickly; the way in which it plays off how often anything anything written in Arabic is considered suspicious clearly struck a chord.

Thousands of people shared Al-Sarras's post, many asking where they could buy the bag for themselves.

It soon surfaced that it's the product of a Haifa-based design company called Rock Paper Scissors...

...In case you were wondering where to get your own.

indy100 has contacted both Al-Sarras and Rock Paper Scissors for comment.

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