
This grandmother's reaction to blowing out her 94th birthday cake is an absolute mood


We all know what it's like, after a long hard day to want to switch off and literally do nothing ever again.

Few of us ever long for the looming spectre of death, though, especially on a birthday, which should be one of the few days of the year where you can actually kick back and enjoy life.

However, after 94 years, things might start to become a bit of a drag and the end might sound like a decent alternative to another 12 months on this godforsaken planet.

This is exactly how one grandma felt when she was celebrating her 94th birthday with her family. Just watch the below clip and you'll see what we mean.

Well, thank you very much. I hope this is my last.

Couldn't have said it better ourselves.

The clip has now been viewed more than 4.3 million times on Twitter and people can full-on relate to this grandma's sentiment.

If you are interested, this is Pauline Kay, who shared the original video on TikTok.

Iconic, doesn't even begin to cover it.

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