
Bride furious as wedding guest adds extra person to RSVP

Bride furious as wedding guest adds extra person to RSVP
Should guests that RSVP late not be allowed to attend the wedding?
Fox - 5 DC / VideoElephant

A bride was left fuming after one of her wedding guests added an extra person to the RSVP.

In a post shared in a Facebook bridal group, the woman asked: "Anyone else deal with ridiculous RSVPs? I guess I should have been more clear but for a back story, this is a family friend on my fiancé’s side."

The image shows the RSVP with the guest "joyfully accepting" the invitation, but revising her allotted four seats to "4 + baby."

At the bottom of the invite, the guest also added a note which read: "Don’t worry about [my husband] with his celiac disease. He’ll eat before the wedding — and baby will eat from my plate."

The bride continued to vent her frustrations to the group, writing: "She has kids from three different men including her current husband. So I asked her how many she thinks are coming and she told me four — including her one-year-old baby."

"She included her husband’s child from a previous relationship and like I don’t even know her husband well enough to have HIS child from someone else come," the bride added.

"She never told me that the child was coming with them. I’m just annoyed."

Fellow members of the group jumped in on the action with their takes, with one reportedly writing: "Yikes, if you invite the family then you invite the whole family. If you didn’t want kids there, you should have said so."

Meanwhile, another added: "It’s not a child-free wedding, and it would be very unkind to welcome all but one of the children in that family. Seriously unkind."

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