Joe Vesey-Byrne
Jul 11, 2020

A series of photographs taken by a 19-month-old boy have gone viral.
British Army Photographer Tim Jones, hoping to pass on his photographic gifts, taught his son Stan to use his old Canon G12 (and to shout 'CHEESE' when takes them).
The photos Stan took gave a touching insight into the point of view of a 19-month-old child. The dog features, a lot. As does Mum.
Jones posted them to his photography website and also to reddit, where the post received over 2635 upvotes.
It's since featured on social media, parenting blogs, and at least one TV station.
Speaking to indy100 about the huge reaction they've had, Jones said:
I didn't expect it go this far to be honest I only put it on reddit in the photography section as a interest post then other websites started to contact me asking to share it. Before I knew it I was getting phone calls from ABC News in New York and parenting blogs in Seattle! He has become a viral hit...
Here's Stan's perspective on the world, and also some photos Tim took of Stan as he set about work.
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A true artist in the making if we ever saw one.
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