
A pub in Wrexham has just been renamed with the help of the internet's most tired joke

Picture: Pubby McPubFace/Facebook
Picture: Pubby McPubFace/Facebook

Boaty McBoatFace started it.

We all know the story by now - the Natural Environment Research Council gave the choice for the name of their new research vessel to the public, and an overwhelming 78 per cent chose 'Boaty McBoatFace'.

Alas, the Establishment intervened, and the boat was eventually named after David Attenborough.

Across the pond in Austin, Texas, school parents and the community were asked to rename Robert E. Lee Elementary school, after the confederate general's history was reevaluated following the 2015 racially motivated shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.

They went with Schoolie McSchoolFace.

Yet again the people were ignored, and the school was eventually renamed Russell Lee.

But now, a small pub in Newbridge Wrexham, Wales, have done what was previously thought impossible:

It has been christened 'Pubby McPubface'.

Picture: Pubby McPubFace/Facebook

Yes, really

Some questions might be running through your mind right about now, the dominant one being: why?

indy100 caught up with Peter Daniel, the owner of the pub to find out:

We are a small village pub in Newbridge, and after refurbishing the pub, my son Che and I decided to change the pub’s name.

But...but why that name?

We wanted to do it for a laugh. It was done for a bit of fun. Nobody had done it, so we thought: why not?

It has to be asked: did Boaty McBoatFace have anything to do with your decision?

Oh yes! 78 per cent of people voted for that name but they didn't do it in the end. The [pub] name is in partial honour of the ship that never sailed.

Come and see us! See what we’re like! Come and enjoy the atmosphere.

You've got to love the persistence of British humour.

HT Wales online

More: David Attenborough is not at all happy with Boaty McBoatface

More: This school clearly didn't learn any lessons from the 'Boaty McBoatface' disaster

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