
'American Psycho' luxury London flat advert pulled

An advert for luxury flats in London that made an unwittingly cogent argument for class war has been pulled.

Redrow London's dystopian vision of City workers finding happiness through bleak, soulless high-rise apartments was instantly compared to American Psycho and Fight Club, and in fact the end of the world itself.

Even though the video has officially been pulled, a version survives courtesy of a Vimeo account named - of course - Patrick Bateman.

We tried to do something a bit new and different from the typical property videos out there, but we accept that maybe we didn't get it quite right with this one.

  • Redrow London spokesperson

Architect Sam Jacob made a chillingly accurate mash-up of the Redrow advert and American Psycho.

He described the ad as a "totally clear expression of the psychotic nature of housing in London" right now.

"It plunges us back into the ultimate yuppie fantasy – the fact that the individual only exists in relation to the brands that they own, the things that they've bought," he told the Guardian.

"That property and housing is just about individual success, investment, money, achievement."

More: [This advert for luxury London flats is bordering on the apocalyptic]4

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