
Michael Gove said only 'the Almighty' knows what will happen after Brexit

Michael Gove said only 'the Almighty' knows what will happen after Brexit

Our politicians seem to be increasingly looking to higher powers for answers in these confusing and desperate times.

US president Donald Trump recently glanced upwards to the heavens and declared "I am the chosen one", claiming to be ordained by god to take on China in a trade war, while Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson said this week the "power of the mind" could be used to divert Hurricane Dorian away from the coasts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.

Now Michael Gove is at it.

With the UK as bogged down in interminable Brexit turmoil as ever and still currently on course to leave the EU on 31 October without a deal, the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster appeared before the House of Commons select committee for Exiting the European Union and was asked the following question by chairman Hilary Benn:

No one, including yourself, can know what is going to happen after 1st November?

Gove pressed his hands together in prayer and answered, not very encouragingly:

Um... Er... The future is known only to the Almighty.

To which Benn responded:

Well, he is not a witness before the committee today.

Twitter was much less amused, however.

More: Iain Duncan Smith caught 'picking his nose and eating it' during Brexit debate

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