
Deaf people show how to swear in sign language and it’s brilliant


Cast your mind back to your very first French lesson in school: you know what you did.

You learned the swear words of course.

Which is why you probably have a repertoire of naughty words and statements in a whole host of languages.

That’s cool, we’ve all done it.

Well, you'll be happy to know there’s another set of swear words you can add to your collection: In American Sign Language (ASL).

A group of deaf people got together with Cut and gave us the lowdown on some of the most NSFW words and phrases in ASL.

You’re welcome.

1. A**hole

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2. Bastard

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3. B**ch

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4. Bulls**t

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5. Dumbass

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6. Hell

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7. S**t

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8. Piece of s**t

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9. S**t for brains

Picture:Picture: Cut/screengrab

10. C****cker

Picture:Picture: Cut/screengrab

Here's the entire, uncensored video (with a few equally juicy phrases), below:

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