
Here is Jeremy Corbyn's first party political broadcast

Jeremy Corbyn has released his first party political broadcast as leader of the Labour party, stating his desire to "improve the lives of ordinary people in Britain".

As well as repeating his call for a "new kind of politics", Corbyn, in a video released on Labour's YouTube channel, spoke up the party's buoyant new membership figures, the need to create jobs and decries what he sees as the damage being caused by Tory economic policies.

Perhaps with a nod to the Conservatives' co-ordinated campaign to portray him as a "threat to national security", Corbyn also claimed:

Real security comes from jobs, comes from homes, comes from schools, comes from hospitals, comes from a society that cares for everybody.

  • Jeremy Corbyn

"My job is to lead the party, my job is to enthuse the party, come and help me," he finishes his piece to camera by saying.

But no mention of winning the next election...

Compare and contrast to one of David Cameron's first election broadcasts as Conservative leader in 2006, in full open-shirted "Casual Dave" mode:

More: Lord Sugar - We should all move to China if Jeremy Corbyn is elected

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