Lowenna Waters
Jul 03, 2019

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In 'news we didn't think we'd read today', it has been revealed that Sarah Huckabee Sanders will reportedly be writing a book about her time serving in the Trump administration as White House press secretary.
According to Axios, the book is billed as:
An account of her life in politics and experience inside the Trump administration, which she sees as very positive.
The publication added:
Sanders plans to relax with her family in July, and she will help with Trump's re-election campaign.
It goes without saying that Twitter users had a field day with the news about the book release, with many suggesting potential titles along with the hashtag #SarahSandersBookTitles.
Others chipped in with hilarious alternatives.
Sanders left the White House on Friday, and she says that she views her time working as the Trump administration's press secretary for nearly two years as 'very positive'.
Tweeting about her departure, she wrote:
Today I’ll walk out the gates of the White House for the last time as Press Secretary with my head held high.
It’s been the honor and privilege of a lifetime to work with President @realDonaldTrump and his amazing team the last three and a half years. You’re the best…Thank you!
Sanders is also reportedly weighing up whether to throw her hat into the political arena, with Axios confirming reports that a possible 2022 run for Arkansas Governor is in the pipeline, reports the New York Post.
Speaking at a rally last week, president Trump said:
I have a feeling she’s going to be running for a certain gubernatorial position.
More: Trevor Noah mocks Sarah Huckabee Sanders for 'quitting a job which she wasn't doing'
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