
Trump reveals he tested 'positively toward the negative' in bizarre joke about coronavirus

Donald Trump's response to coronavirus hasn't been his finest moment as president of the United States.

From calling it a hoax to then failing to act until it was too late, the president has seen more than 1.5 million people become infected with the virus in his country leading to at least 94,000 deaths.

He has hardly led by example either by continuously disregarding safety regulations and calling tests on the illness 'not necessarily great' and speaking of tests he was back to talking about them today.

Trump and other members of his administration get tested for Covid-19 on a daily basis and so far he is yet to contract the virus, which must be some sort of miracle.

On Thursday, during a spot of 'chopper talk' he was asked about how his most recent test had gone. His answer was confusing to say the least:

I tested very positively in another sense, so, this morning, yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right?

So, no. I tested perfectly this morning, meaning I tested negative. But that's a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative.

Yes, that is an actual answer that the actually elected POTUS gave to the press.

Needless to say people were either baffled or infuriated.

Once again, more than 90,000 people dead in his country and this guy is still out here making gags.

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