Bethan McKernan
Jun 05, 2015
H_ve y_u been w_ndering where the letters in D_wning Street _nd W_terst_nes h_ve g_ne?
Partners and brands around the capital have dropped the letters A, O and B from their names today in support of National Blood Week. The new "Missing Type" campaign uses the three letters that make up the blood groups to raise awareness of the need for new donors.
New NHS research shows that new blood donors are in decline - there has been a drop of 40 per cent fewer new people signing up to donate in the last ten years, a trend blamed on the increasing popularity in exotic travel and tattoos, which temporarily bar people from donating.
Jon Latham, assistant director for Donor Services and Marketing at NHS Blood and Transplant, said in a statement:
While we can meet the needs of patients now, it’s important we strengthen the donor base for the future. If we don’t attract new people... to donate it will put more pressure on the ability to provide the right type of blood the NHS needs for patients in the future.
As well as retailers, people have been joining in on social media, losing letters from their names:
You can help fill in the gaps by finding your nearest blood drive here.
More: This magazine has printed an issue using HIV positive blood to destigmatise the virus
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