
Conservative 'Moms for Liberty' group apologise after quoting Hitler

Conservative 'Moms for Liberty' group apologise after quoting Hitler

Conservative 'Moms for Liberty' group apologise after quoting Hitler


Right-wing group 'Moms for Liberty' have apologised for quoting Adolf Hitler in their newsletter.

The Hamilton County, Indiana chapter of the group, quoted Hitler's remarks made at a 1935 rally on the front page of its newsletter: "He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future."

Moms for Liberty was recently listed as an "extremist group" by civil rights watchdog the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In response to being labelled as an "extremist group", Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich issued a statement saying: "name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child's education as 'hate groups' or 'bigoted' just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school - parents or government employees?"

The Indianapolis Star first reported the story after a photo of the newsletter titled The Parent Brigade drew criticism and condemnation across social media on Wednesday. By Thursday, local politicians also criticised the newsletter.

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After facing criticism the newsletter was updated to include an explanation "the quote from a horrific leader should put parents on alert," reads the update. "If the government has control over our children today, they control our country's future. We The People must be vigilant and protect children from an overreaching government."

However, on Thursday morning as criticism continued to mount, the organisation apologised for quoting Hitler, issuing a statement from chapter chairwoman Paige Miller on their Facebook page saying: "We condemn Adolf Hitler's actions and his dark place in human history. We should not have quoted him in out newsletter and express our deepest apology."

The group then uploaded a new version of the newsletter without the quote or the explanation from the previous update.

J.D. Ford, the Democratic senator for Indiana Senate's District 29 wrote on Twitter: "I am absolutely outraged, and know that the vast majority of community members feel the same. There is NO PLACE for hate in our home. Our community and kids deserve better."

Speaking to the Indianapolis Star, Mario Massillamany, chairman on the Hamilton County Republican party said: "I think Adolf Hitler is terrible, and I would never quote Adolf Hitler or the Nazis in any shape or form other than saying they are bad or terrible. That was a terrible page in our world history and I don't think that we as a society can say enough about the atrocities that the poor Jewish people had to go through."

Twitter users and critics were shocked and appalled at the use of the quote:

Later this month, Moms for Liberty will hold its annual conference in Philadelphia. Guest speakers include former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. All three are seeking nomination to be the Republican presidential candidate in 2024.

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