Science & Tech

CNN thinks 4Chan is a person

CNN has been widely mocked for calling 4Chan a person and for interviewing a technology analyst who suggested those concerned about their online security should change their passwords to "pa$$word".

On Brooke Balwin's show technology analyst Brett Larson was asked "do we even know, who is this 4cCan person or website?" We can forgive the host some confusion. But we cannot forgive Larson's reply.

He said of 4Chan - which lest we forget is the online community on which naked pictures of celebrities were first thought to have been shared and not a human being - "he may have been a systems administrator".

"I’m sure we’re going to get some more confirmation as the hours and minutes go on, but he may have been a system administrator who knew his way around and how to hack things," Larson said.

As for what we can do to prevent hacks? "You absolutely have to have good passwords. You have to have passwords that aren't words. Like if your password was literally 'password' which is the most common password, change the 's' to a dollar sign."

Sound advice.

H/T Mediaite

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