
Mysterious sea creature found on Philippines beach

Facebook/ Nujnuj Capistrano

Thalassophobia is an intense, persistent fear of the sea.

It's 2017 and the ocean is still washing up stuff that boggles our minds.

A huge decomposing corpse was spotted on a Philippines beach - and local Nujnuj Capistrano posted a photo to Faceook to show the rest of the world. Thanks for sharing, we guess?

The creature could have be mistaken for a harmless bit of drift wood from afar.

Picture:Picture: Facebook/ Nujnuj Capistrano

But wait, what's that bit on the end?

Is that a...face?

Picture:Picture: Facebook / Nujnuj Capistrano

Nope - by which I mean, yes that's a face, and nope, get me out of here.

For scale...

Picture:Picture: Facebook / Nujnuj Capistrano

The 32-foot-long creature - most likely a whale - was towed back out to sea. It could not be buried due to its size and a smell that authorities deemed it a health risk.

Which makes us wonder just what else is lurking under the waves.

HT IFL Science

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