
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can now officially perform marriages

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can now officially perform marriages

Picture: Facebook/Church of Flying Spaghetti

Ever heard of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

It's the religion that sees followers (known as pastafarians) worshipping a giant monster made entirely from spaghetti - while wearing colanders as religious headgear.

But in what might just be the most significant step forward in their religion, they have just been permitted to perform marriage ceremonies in New Zealand.


The application was approved by the Church's registrar-general of births, deaths and the decision listed - the New Zealand Gazette.

The religion first emerged in the United States in the mid-noughties, as a protest against the lack of evolution teachings in certain schools.

Since then, the religion has gone on to have a life of its own - with many followers pledging loyal allegiance to the 'Noodly one.'

Worshippers have even successfully fought for their right to wear the headgear in passport photos on several occasions.

All hail to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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