Science & Tech

Do you want to live to 100? Drink less coffee

Researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden have been following the health of 855 men born in Gothenburg in 1913 for 50 years.

Ten of those men lived to 100.

Lars Wilhelmsen, who has been involved in the study for the past 50 years, has this advice for those who want to do the same:

Our recommendation for people who aspire to centernarianism is to refrain from smoking, maintain healthy cholesterol levels and confine themselves to four cups of coffee a day.

The researchers also identified some factors which people cannot always control, for example if your mother lived for a long time and if you are rich.

Of the 10 centurions, two dropped out of the study due to dementia and another for personal reasons. Here were some characteristics the researchers identified about the remaining seven:

  • None smoked
  • Most of them wore glasses, were able to read and watch TV
  • All of them were slim and had good postures

More: Men born in 1913 followed to age 100 years.

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