
Donald Trump's claim that he's made lots of sacrifices for America backfired massively

Picture:  Joe Raedle/Getty
Picture: Joe Raedle/Getty

The Democratic National Convention this past week has been a treasure trove of delights: Michelle Obama demonstrated her exquisite oratory skills; Barack Obama gave his support to Hillary Clinton and a whole host of speakers made the meet especially memorable.

One man in particular, is making waves across the media.

Khizr Khan, a Muslim-American whose son served in the US army and died in the Iraq war, gave a scathing speech about Donald Trump:

He told Trump:

Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending the United States of America.

You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing. And no one.

Picture: Scott Olson/Getty

When asked what he'd sacrificed, Trump tried to answer the question - in true Trump fashion:

Among his sacrifices, Trump cited "[his creation of] thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs...employ[ing] thousands and thousands of people, taking care of their education..."

It's not clear if Trump quite understands the concept of sacrifice. So the internet decided to teach him.

His...hands came up quite often...

People made jokes about his views on ethnic minorities...

And his affluence

On some of his more colourful comments...

And his past business ventures

The question however, remains: what did Trump sacrifice?

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