
James Woods tried to correct CNN about a map and ended up committing a massive self-own

Getty Images / Alberto E. Rodriguez / Twitter

Conservative actor James Woods has tried to correct CNN on Twitter but inadvertently committed a massive self own.

The 71-year-old actor, best known for roles in eighties movies such as Videodrome, Casino, and Hercules has become synonymous with the alt-right, and is also a vocal and avid Trump supporter.

He was even banned from Twitter after he shared a meme that had "the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact an election".

Now, he's attempted to own the left-leaning broadcaster CNN in a tweet by sharing a screenshot of a map where they've accidentally labelled somewhere in South America as Hong Kong, but inadvertently owned himself.

Taking to the platform, he wrote:

Hong Kong, Africa...

There's just a small problem with that, that's actually South America, mate.

Twitter users were quick to pick this up:

That's South America

Others noticed that the error was from 2013:

The gifs also got involved:

While others summed it up:

Self own of the century?

More: Conservative actor James Woods accuses Twitter of trying to 'kill my free speech' after being banned

More: Armie Hammer's brutal response to James Woods' criticism of a fictional gay relationship

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