
A Fox News 'expert' had an absolute nightmare calling Super Tuesday results

A Fox News 'expert' had an absolute nightmare calling Super Tuesday results

Regular Fox News pundit Karl Rove, the former White House staffer known as George W Bush's brain, lived up to his moniker last night.

Appearing to talk about the GOP primary in Virginia, where Senator Marco Rubio and property magnate Donald Trump were fighting it out on "Super Tuesday", Rove began to say that Rubio was doing well and that things would "tighten"... only to get interrupted by a call declaring Trump the winner:

Chris Wallace:

What are your thoughts about Virginia, and that race?

Karl Rove:

Well, I think this race is going to continue to tighten. Umm...


Wait, wait, hold on just a second, apparently we've got a call in Virginia, so you can tell us after we get the call.

Megyn Kelly:

Chris, thank you, Fox News can now project that Donald Trump will pull out a win in Virginia, leaving Marco Rubio a close second, according to Fox News exit polls and early returns. What does that mean for Rubio and Donald Trump? Back to Chris Wallace and the campaign cowboys.


[Laughing] Karl, tell me, what does that mean for Marco Rubio and Donald Trump?

As Gawker points out, his backpeddling is a thing of beauty.

Sadly for Rove, no one's quite forgotten his last deer-in-the-headlights moment from the general election night in 2012, when he refused to believe Fox had called the results for Barack Obama.

Relieve his humiliation below, because why not:

More: Chris Christie looked like he was living through a nightmare on Super Tuesday

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