
Boris Johnson wants to build a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland, the internet reacts

Boris Johnson wants to build a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland, the internet reacts
Rex Features

Boris Johnson has stepped up plans to build a £20bn bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland, despite the scepticism of experts and virtually all people.

A Downing Street spokesman said:

This is an idea which the prime minister has expressed interest in in the past and I think he said at the time 'watch this space'. Government officials are carrying out work in relation to the idea of a bridge linking GB mainland to NI. There's a proper piece of work being carried out into the idea.

The best part about all this is that the idea appears to have been inspired by a satirical tweet by The Independent’s very own Jon Stone.

Let's not forget the Garden Bridge proposal, a failed project that cost £53m, including £43m of public money. And don't even get us started on those buses. Or the water cannons he bought for no reason.

Yet the prime minister is not a man to let repeated failure put him off, especially as he's so far managed to fail upwards with genuine ease.

Plenty of people were, understandably, not entirely convinced.

Will this one end in tears, like most vanity projects embarked on by Johnson? Only time will tell...

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