
Cassetteboy just remixed the news and we wish it always sounded like this

Cassetteboy just remixed the news and we wish it always sounded like this

Who said no news is good news?

Mash-up geniuses Cassetteboy often turn their talents towards current affairs and their take on the last month's worth of news is not to be missed - the duo tackle the first Conservative budget in 19 years and the economic crisis in Greece as well as that time Taylor Swift threatened to trap David Cameron at Alton Towers.

Say what?

We were also sad to learn from Krishnan Guru-Murthy that we are about to see the end of "one of the most romantic traditions on Earth: David Cameron is going to stop stripping naked on top of a sacred mountain after Prime Ministers Questions."

In other news, the Channel 4 presenter is looking smug because he got to snog a celebrity, and Cathy Newman reliably informs us that Iain Duncan Smith is branching out into a musical career.

Check out Cassetteboy's new and improved version of television news below via the Guardian:

More: 16 truly baffling questions asked by the news

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