
Trump tried to claim that the Supreme Court 'doesn't like him' and people pointed out the obvious

Donald Trump said the Supreme Court 'punted' the decision back to his administration over DACA
Donald Trump said the Supreme Court 'punted' the decision back to his administration over DACA

Rough week for the Trump administration.

They’ve suffered numerous defeats at the hands of the Supreme Court as they attempt to roll back protections for LGBTQ workers and people brought to the US as child immigrants.

Trump, as is his penchant, took these defeats as a personal affront.

Taking to Twitter, he decided to pose a question about whether the defeats were due to poor proposed legislative changes or a personal distaste for Trump himself.

“Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”, the president wrote.

This, frankly, was an open goal and many took the chance to score.

The responses poured in.

Some went for simple.

Others elaborated somewhat.

Several people just wanted to join in.

However, it must be pointed out that, sadly, many people do like Donald Trump, or he wouldn't be president.

And conservatives sit on the Supreme Court – including Chief Justice John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas (with the latter two both famously accused of sexual assault).

But ultimately, justices (one of whom was John Roberts) blocked the Trump administration's attempts to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a programme that protects thousands of people who migrated to the US as children from deportation.

They decided the administration could not adequately justify their need to end the initiative.

Ditto their decision to protect trans and gay workers from being fired for either their gender identity or sexual orientation.

But as one person put it, the Supreme Court’s actions may have less to do with a secret progressive agenda than the Trump administration’s own failings.

But that would be far too normal an explanation for Trump to accept.

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