
Here's what would happen if there was a Scottish independence referendum tomorrow

If a referendum were held tomorrow, the majority of people in Scotland would vote for independence, according to a new poll.

Asked how they would vote in a second referendum, 53 per cent said they would back leaving the Union, 44 per cent said they would vote to stay in, and three per cent were undecided.

Half said they would like to see another referendum in the next five years, the Ipsos Mori survey for STV found, while 58 per cent said they would be in favour of another vote being held within 10 years.

The poll is thought to be the first to show a majority for independence, a result described as "pretty all-round sensational" by SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.

It comes almost a year after Scotland rejected independence by 55.3 per cent to 44.7 per cent.

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