
Introducing the Christmas jumper to end all Christmas jumpers

Introducing the Christmas jumper to end all Christmas jumpers

Introducing the multi-faith Christmas jumper.

Adorned with the Star of David, the Hindu Aum, the Islamic star and crescent and even the symbol most closely associated with science (so even Professor Richard Dawkins wouldn't feel uncomfortable in it), the British Christmas Jumpers top has been produced, according to its designer, to bring a little more harmony into the world.

At £40, the company says it is for everyone, "no matter what colour, creed or culture", though some – of course – will argue it's political correctness gone mad. And not everyone will warm to the 50/50 acrylic/cotton mix, either.

Cheryl Madley, the knitwear designer from London who created the joyously garish jumper, said she was attempting to get more people interested in the festive pully as an item of clothing.

"We were discussing what would make a jumper really stand out and we thought, 'wouldn't it be a nice thing if we could encompass everybody and have peace in the world' … so that's where it came from. I did some designs and this is the one everyone liked. It would be brilliant if people of all faiths wore it."

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