Darren Richman
Aug 18, 2019

Mark Hamill, the actor best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, has once again taken aim at President Donald Trump on Twitter.
Earlier in the week, The Washington Post reported that, as of early August, Trump had made more than 12,000 false and misleading claims. It is unknown at this moment in time whether his pants are actually on fire.
Hamill’s tweet pondered how long Pinocchio’s nose might have grown if he’d lied as many times as the leader of the free world:
Another difference is that Pinocchio told only 5 lies to grow the nose seen here. What would it look like if he had told 12,000+ like Individual 1 has? #2400TimesLonger.
The good folk on Twitter were in agreement.
More: Fox News polls show that Trump is now deeply unpopular and will lose the 2020 election
More: Mark Hamill schools Trump with history lesson on foreign interference in US elections
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