
There are going to be more men called Nigel than women on the Commons culture committee

Welcome to Britain in 2015, where there are apparently no women or in fact anyone who isn't a white man suitable to sit on the House of Commons culture committee.

The nominations for the 11-strong Commons culture, media and sport select committee are in, and everyone on the list is a white male.

The committee, which is reappointed after an election, is led by Jesse Norman (Tory, man, white), and is also set to include Paul Farrelly (Labour, man, white), Damian Collins (Tory, man, white), Steve Rotherham (Labour, man, white), Jason McCartney (Tory, man, white), Andrew Bingham (Tory, man, white), Nigel Huddleston (Tory, man, white), Nigel Adams (Tory, man, white), Ian Lucas (Labour, man, white), Chris Matheson (Labour, man, white) and John Nicolson (SNP, man, white).

So yes, that means there will be more men called Nigel on the committee than women.

Even the Stonecutters were more diverse.

One small glimmer of hope: Only Jesse Norman is definitely on the committee, as the rest of the membership must be approved by a House of Commons vote not expected until a week on Monday. These votes are normally a formality but, come on MPs, you know what to do...

HT The Guardian

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