
This is what the amount of porn you watch says about you


A study claims that men who watch a lot of porn are more likely to feel unsatisfied in their real life relationships.

These sorts of things can usually be dismissed as being the type of experiments funded by abstinence pushing and tax exempt Church groups, or criticised for having such a small sample that they could hardly be conclusive.

However, this new study by Indiana University and the University of Hawaii, Mānoa boasted over 50,000 participants.

It was also published in March in Human Communication Research.

So it's not so easily minimised and hidden in an Incognito tab as other studies on this subject may have previously been.

That being said, this is a meta analysis of hundreds of earlier studies from 10 countries, and as such is not based on a single study of 50,000 participants.

Men, women, and pornogaphy

It found that while watching porn did not make men unhappy in and of themselves, there was a correlation between watching porn and being less satisfied in a relationship.

Interestingly, the analysis found no such correlation between women and watching porn.

While that seems unfair at first glance, do remember that trials for a male contraceptive were discontinued for exhibiting the same side effects that women on 'the pill' have dealt with since the 1960s.

The study also explained that one can't be sure the lower satisfaction is a result of the porn watching.

The researchers suggest it might be that men who are unsatisfied are more likely to watch porn, and not the inverse.

Unrealistic expectations

Another suggestion was that pornography presents an 'unrealistic' idea of sex which leaves men unsatisfied in real life.

To men's credit, it's probably a very small number that really believes there's a large number of housewives who will get involved with the radiator repair man.

The 'unrealistic idea' argument is like saying engineers shouldn't watch Star Wars in case the lack of 'light speed' travel is leaving them unsatisfied at work.

HT Daily Mail

More: This is the point in your relationship when you'll be having the best sex, according to science

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