
Stephen King furiously lays into Trump and blames his 'MAGA fans' for US 90,000 death toll

As far as critics of president Trump go, author Stephen King is among the most prominent.

Since Trump took office, he's never shied away from letting people know exactly what he thinks of the president (spoiler: it seems a lot like he hates him).

When it comes to pandemics, King knows a thing of two. After all, his book The Stand has been credited with eerily predicting what a global pandemic might be like.

So now that America's death toll from Covid-19 has passed 90,000, King went on Twitter to give Trump and his supporters a piece of his mind.

King's remarks come as experts warn America's death toll could pass 100,000 in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Trump is keen to re-open the economy and has spent a lot of time talking about "Obamagate", an unfounded conspiracy theory.

A pandemic under Trump's watch is turning out to be just as scary a one of King's novels.

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