
The French government is starting to play dirty to avoid Brexit

The French government is starting to play dirty to avoid Brexit

David Cameron was accused of scaremongering when he suggested that Calais's 'jungle' could move to the South of England if Britain left the EU.

But as he heads to France for a summit with President Hollande, it appears the French government has taken up his mantle.

Emmanuel Macron, the French economy minister spoke to the Financial Times on Thursday and insinuated that if Britain were to leave the EU following the June referendum, thousands of migrants in Calais would relocate to the UK.

Macron (below, left) referred to the Le Touquet Agreement, which gives Britain special rights, and allows it to conduct border checks on the French side of the Channel, thereby keeping immigrants out of Britain.

The day this relationship unravels, migrants will no longer be in Calais and the financial passport would work less well.

Over 4,000 refugees are currently housed in the 'jungle' in Calais, and while French authorities began dismantling the camps this week in favour of better accommodation, sceptics claim they have underestimated the numbers.

What will happen to London's financial hub?

In a two-pronged attack, Macron also said that Brexit will also be detrimental to businesses that are located in London.

If I were to reason like those who roll out red carpets, I would say we might have some repatriations from the City of London.

In addition to that, Britain leaving the EU will also mean it will no longer have access to the single market (which essentially means Britain can trade with EU member states with low tariffs on goods, and freedom of movement).

Meanwhile the Remain campaign is having some trouble

In an interview in January, Lord Rose, who heads the campaign, forgot its name four times.

He didn't fare much better on Wednesday when he appeared before a Treasure Select Committee meeting and suggested that wages would actually go up if Britain leaves the EU - which, as the Spectator reports, would appear to be in complete contravention to his campaign.

He was asked:

If free movement were to end following Brexit, is it not reasonable it suppose that we could see increases in wages for low skilled workers in the UK?

To which Lord Rose responded:

If you’re short of labour, the price of labour would go up. So yes.

More: Most Britons are Eurosceptics, but here's why they'll still vote to stay in the EU

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