
This Green Party video mocks the childishness of Westminster politics - using actual children

Picture: YouTube/Green Party
Picture: YouTube/Green Party

The latest Green Party political broadcast has made a few waves, to say the least.

The party has a history with the trope that every other party is self-interested, having boybanded Cameron, Miliband, Clegg and Farage brilliantly in last year's election.

Now, they've depicted the rest of Westminster as squabbling children in a tour-de-force of visual snark.

Particularly hilarious is mini-Tim Farron's despondent piece-to-camera:

It was Nick's fault. He got really friendly with David and then David lied to him and he stitched him up.

While a pint-sized Theresa May throwing stuffed animal immigrants out of the country is also a highlight:

Watch the full video, below:

However, commenters are divided as to whether the anti-mainstream politics message will appeal to a popular audience.

Guido Fawkes also observed that the broadcast bears a striking resemblance to a campaign video issued by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, released in January 2015.

Watch the full video, below:

Netanyahu's broadcast, which depicted him as a responsible adult babysitting a class of misbehaving child politicians, was banned by the Central Elections Committee for violating campaign regulations - using children under the age of 15 in adverts.

More:About Liz Kendall and Andy Burnham's awkward Labour leadership campaign videos

More:How the Green Party says it would run the country

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