Science & Tech

People vow to 'never drink again' after scientists examine tap water under a microscope

People vow to 'never drink again' after scientists examine tap water under a microscope
Crackdown on 'forever chemicals' in tap water
Fox - 13 News / VideoElephant

People have vowed never to drink tap water again after a scientist compared rainwater and tap water under a microscope.

The viral clip was shared by on TikTok, where it racked up a staggering 20.5 million views in the process.

The page is dedicated to – you guessed it – taking a closer look at various things under a microscope. These include Coca-Cola, alcohol, Nutella – and even happy vs sad tears.

Widely believed to be in the US, one specific clip is making people think twice about drinking tap water.

It seemingly showed live microorganisms wiggling around, with a worm-like figure in one of the shots.

The rainwater also contained microorganisms (as do most things), with some speculated to be parasites. Many viewers noted that the sample could have been taken directly from the ground, hence the discovery.

"Please DO NOT DO bottled water.. that's all we have left," one viewer humoured, while another added: "My dogs prefer to drink rain water over tap water I think that says a lot!"

A third suggested: "Would’ve been more accurate if you caught the rainwater in a sterile container and not from the dirty ground."

Another reacted by saying "great now I'm terrified of water," while another added: "I never want to drink water ever again."

Tap water vs rain water under microscope

UK tap water is generally safe to consume. However, if it starts smelling or is not clear in colour, you should contact your water company or local council immediately.

"There are lots of reasons why the taste or smell of your tap water might change," explained. "The Drinking Water Inspectorate gives consumer advice on water standards and has a range of water quality advice leaflets to help you if you’re worried."

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