
Server calls out rude customers who complain moments after ordering

Server calls out rude customers who complain moments after ordering

@jsacco9 / TikTok

Anyone who has worked in the service industry will tell you that few things are worse than inconsiderate customers.

Now, a viral social media post has gone some way to vindicating those who have to spend their days and evenings smiling pleasantly back when patrons are downright rude.

Joey Sacco and his sister posted a TikTok sketch depicting a common scenario servers face – when customers demand instantaneous service.

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The customer opens by asking if their order is ready, to which Joey responds: “Ma’am you’ve literally ordered a minute-and-a-half ago.”

But the customer is unfazed, and keeps pestering Joey while he is trying to take another order on the phone.

When other patrons seem to get their orders instantly, the customer complains – yet Joey remains patient.

He says: “You see, those people called in, so they probably called 20 minutes ago, so their order was ready, our cooks had more time to make it. You ordered here.”

Even then, the customer just doesn’t seem to get the message, and eventually threatens Joey, saying: “You’ve got a big storm coming. Better watch out for that Yelp review. Watch for your job.”


nah bc i lose my mind when they wait right at the counter #customerservice #serviceindustry #ocnj #restaurant #pov #skit

The TikTok has gained more than 58,000 likes on the platform since it was posted on 16 June, with many people in the comments sharing similar experiences.

One person said: “People think this is an exaggeration, but I’ve had so many customers exactly like this.”

Another said: “The people who wait at the counter are the absolute worst! The bane of my existence.”

One commenter added: “There’s just not enough videos for these people to fully grasp what it’s like to work in the food industry.”

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